Monday 23 July 2012

The birds of St. Ann's Well gardens

For James' birthday we spent the afternoon in St. Ann's Well Park, playing ping pong and lazing in the sun. There's a big board of all the birds you can see there, including sparrowhawks. We wondered if they were being a bit optimistic about that one. Just under this bird information board, there was a little thrush hopping about in the brush. This was the closest I've ever been to a thrush. They're smaller than I thought they were.

Later, as we lay on the grass, there were a number of swifts looping in the sky. They look like small black aeroplanes, gliding around casually, eating all the insects and airborne spiders. They sometimes sleep in the air.

Ed said the wood pigeons sounded like they were people doing impressions of wood pigeons.

Dino said that on the train he saw a seagull interrupt two kissing lovers to pillage their picnic.

Big Tom told us about the bird of prey centre he went to in Lindisfarne. They had Eagle Owls and he had a harrier hawk land on his arm. It made me jealous. We haven't been on any bird expeditions for a while. But we're going on holiday this week, so hopefully we'll have some interesting stories to bring back.

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