Thursday 5 July 2012

The view from my window

As I sit at the desk by my bedroom window, I can see a fair amount of wildlife, especially considering it's a suburban street just off the main road. We think there are house sparrows nesting in the bushes opposite. I can often here a lot of tweeting. It sounds like sparrows but I've never seen any, maybe it's the sound of baby blackbirds.

There are some very yappy dogs, a jangly cat and the other night I saw a cute little fox cub looking lost and scared. I've heard the vixens screaming in early Spring. They sound like seagulls. 

The blue African lilies that grew last year in the garden opposite are coming back. Only now do I notice their long tentacle stalks rising out of the bush. Their flowering is something to look forward to.

And then in the distance towards the sea, I can see the block of flats where the peregrines live. They are small black specks against the white of the building, but through the binoculars, I can make out the details of their high-contrast monochrome feathers.

The three young peregrines fledged probably about a month ago and the webcam shows an empty nestbox with bits of dead pigeons scattered around on the floor. Now the only views of the youngsters are through the binoculars and it's quite hard to tell them apart from the adults, they are pretty much the same size.

I've only managed to catch them flying around a few times this year. I hope to see them play-fighting in the air, flinging food to each other for practice.

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